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Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition. However, the cause of psoriasis is unknown. The skin cells multiply quickly. This causes the skin to shed every 3 to 4 days. This may be caused by a trigger, such as an injury, sunburn, certain classes of medicines and infection. Though not contagious, the condition is hereditary. Psoriasis often returns and can be more severe at one time than another. This skin condition can often develop as scales on the scalp, elbows, knees, armpit, hands, feet and lower back. There are different types of psoriasis and it is possible to have more than one type of psoriasis.

Psoriasis is often a lifelong condition. To diagnose psoriasis, a dermatologist will examine your skin, nails, scalp, and other body parts for signs of this condition and ask some questions to ascertain if you have psoriasis and what type. Sometimes, a dermatologist will remove a small piece of skin to determine, what is called a skin biopsy. As your body changes with age or you start a family, you may need to treat psoriasis differently. 

 An individualized treatment plan has many benefits. It can relieve symptoms like itching. It can help you have a clearer skin. It can also prevent psoriasis from worsening. When treating psoriasis, it’s important to keep in mind that the dermatologist may need to try a few different treatments or combinations of treatments before working with the treatment that works best for you. During this time, your dermatologist will refine your treatment plan.

After you’ve received your psoriasis treatment plan, your dermatologist will want to see you for follow-up appointments. Do not miss any of these appointments as they are very essential for managing your psoriasis.